Update to Middle school sports. Both middle school volleyball and football will start next Monday August 29th after school. Both will use the old gym locker rooms and practice will conclude around 5:30 with pick up at the old gym. Thank you. Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
Anyone interested in Cross Country at Prairie City there will be a meeting in Mr. Murray’s room at 3:30 this Wednesday.
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
XCountry flier
Just a reminder that we will be charging pay to play for athletics this coming school year. It is $50 per high school sport with $100 maximum per athlete for the year. $30 per sport for middle school. There is a $150 maximum charge for each family. If you have any issues paying the fee please contact the school because we have many scholarships available. No student will be held out of the sport because of lack of pay. These fees go directly back toward supplies and jerseys for the athletes. Thank you and Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
Awesome professional development day at PC. Close to 100 staff from PC, Dayville, Monument, ESD, and the OSU Extension Office! Lots of learning, laughs, and love! Thank you Andrew Marotta for the great presentation! Huge shoutout to Shanna Wright and her staff for the best breakfast and lunch and all the hard work you guys did setting up! Big shoutout to Sabrina and all her cheerleaders for helping serve, and clean up! Man I love our school! Love our staff and love our kids! See you all on Monday! Go Panthers!!!
over 2 years ago, Prairie City
cheerleaders serving food
Admin team with the guest speaker
cheerleaders laughing
Here is a link to the student handbook for the coming school year for grades 7-12. Thanks https://prairiecityschooldistrict.weebly.com/student-handbook.html
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/mzPoDCarKz The volleyball flash store is now open. It will close August 26. Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
Hello Prairie City Families: Wow! Did the summer fly by or what! I am pleased to announce that our school district will bring a bus to the Pavilion at the fairgrounds in John Day. With the amount of students and their safety, we feel that it is in our best interest to provide this service. Bus pickup for students at the Pavilion will be at 7:05 am. Bus return at the Pavilion will be around 4:10 pm. If you have any questions please call the school at 844-820-3314! Thank you and Go Panthers!!!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Hallgarth
Bus pick up
High school sports starts Monday August 15. Next weeks football practice schedule is Monday - Thursday 5:30 to 8:00. Friday practice after camp at 12 and then night practice at 7:30. Volleyball practice schedule Monday, Wednesday, Friday 7-9 am, and 3:30-6:00 Tuesday and Thursday 7-8am and 3:30-6:00. Saturday 8-11. Thanks and Go Panthers.
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
Sports update. Please be aware that high school fall sports will start Monday August 15th for football and volleyball. Exact practice schedules for that week will be coming out later this week. Middle school sports grades 5 through 8 will start around August 29th. More information will be sent out as we move forward. Don't forget that if you weren't able to get a physical and still need one that you must have one before you can participate in practices. Thank you and Go Panthers.
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
Update to sports physicals this Friday at 8 in Prairie City. The physicals will be done down in the Library/Mr. Colson's classroom area because the Old Gym floors are being resealed this week. Please come to the north end of the building. The doors will be open. Attached you will see the physical form that you can sign as the parent/guardian before hand or you can come in and sign that morning. Thanks.
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
physical form
physical form 2
Want to work in a great atmosphere and culture? Prairie City School District is looking for a Night Custodian to add to our team. This person needs to be upbeat, positive and love kids. I have attached a link for the job description and how to access the application on our website. https://5il.co/1ey1m If you have any questions, please call us at 844-820-3314! Thank you and Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Hallgarth
Night Custodian Job Description 1
Night Custodian Job Description 2
Night Custodian Job Description 3
Sorry. The sports physicals Friday August 5 will start at 8:00. Thanks
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
Sports physicals will be Friday August 5 in the Old Gym. Any incoming 5th, 7th, 9th, or 11th grade student must have an updated physical to participate in sports at Prairie City. If you had one last year as you do not need one even if you are off of this grade schedule. All physicals are expired after 2 years so if you are in need of one please come even if you are not in these grades. The cost is two cans of food and we need a parents signature on the physical BEFORE the physical can be administered. If you have any questions or not sure about what physical is on file at the school then please contact Mr. Colson. Thanks and Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
Here is our 2022-23 school supply lists for Preschool - 12th grade!!! Please tap on the link below! https://5il.co/1em0d Thank you and Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Hallgarth
Supply List (page 1)
Supply List (page 2)
Hello Prairie City Families and Friends, I wanted to let you know that we upgraded our phone system! This will allow us now to have our local ESD do maintenance and problem solve issues if they arise. But, with this upgrade we had to slightly change our school phone and fax number. Our new school number is 844-820-3314 Our new fax number is 844-820-3317 I will send out another reminder here in a couple of weeks as well! Thank you and Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Hallgarth
New phone system
PRAIRIE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT #4 IS HIRING! We are looking for an Elementary Physical Education Teacher that loves kids and loves to have fun! You will love the atmosphere here at Prairie City and the mountain views. Please see the position posting and job description in these links: https://5il.co/1d7gj and https://5il.co/1d7fu Go Panthers!!!
over 2 years ago, Mr. Hallgarth
Now Hiring
Don’t forget to apply for the Stewart Scholarship due June 30th. Get ahold of me if you have any questions. Link to application is in my website or Grant ESD website as well. Good luck!
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
It's not too late to sign up for the PCHS cheer camp!!! Open to K-7th graders!!! Please turn in form and money to Susie at the office from 10-12 on Wednesday June 8th. Reach out to Coach Sabrina Howard for any questions 541-620-0668. Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
Just a reminder that the softball team has a semi finals playoff game today. They will be playing Nestucca at 4:00 at the 7th street complex. Hope all can make it to support them. Good luck!
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson
Just a reminder that our girls Prairie City/Grant Union softball team is playing at 7th street for their 3rd round state playoff game verses Toledo. The game starts at 3:00. Hope you can come and support the girls. Go Panthers!
over 2 years ago, Billy Colson