Boys middle school basketball practice will start Monday, October 28th and run from 4:00 to 5:30. 5th and 6th graders please report to bus room until your coach gets to the gym at 3:45. Jr. High girls open gym will be Tuesday, Thursday 530-700 and Sundays at 4:00 as well start next week. Thanks
about 6 hours ago, Billy Colson
Middle school sports banquet will be Monday October 28 at 6:00 at the Senior Center. This will be for middle school players and families. Desert and drink will be provided. Thank you.
1 day ago, Billy Colson
4 days ago, Prairie City
“Painting with Light” acrylics by the Advanced Art Class
5 days ago, Prairie City
USA Day in kindergarten
6 days ago, Jake Lopez
Mr. Ryan and Mr. Joseph are Biologists from the Forest Service. They taught an interactive lesson to kindergarten about bird beaks.
6 days ago, Prairie City
PC co-ed youth basketball will be starting November and run through December for grades 2-4. Please have registration forms back to home room teacher by October 28th! We are asking for a $5-10 donation to replace shirts. Make checks payable to pc school. Contact Megan Workman 541-620-1822 with any questions
6 days ago, Billy Colson
Highlighted Player of the Week #88 Colby Anderton #Prairie #Panthers #Football #tbmMedia
7 days ago, Prairie City
Highlighted Player of the Week #9 Reece Jacobs #tbmMedia #Panthers #volleyball
7 days ago, Prairie City
8 days ago, Prairie City
Hello all. I am the new elementary PE teacher Mr. Bauman. I am excited to start a new basketball unit with out little kiddos. I am asking for your help to get youth-sized basketballs for our little kiddos. Any amount you can donate will help. Please spread the word. To donate use the link below:
8 days ago, Ben Bauman
The PCHS Home Ec class has prepared some delicious desserts for Kydalin’s senior project; the Dig Pink game tomorrow. Please come support our students and the cause. All proceeds will go to Sam Stovall.💕
8 days ago, Prairie City
Update for a financial aid night this fall. EOU will be coming to Prairie City Tuesday December 3 for a FAFSA/financial aid meeting in Mr. Colson's room at 5:00. All senior parents and students are invited. Junior families are also invited if they want to get a heads up on what is coming next year. Information covered will included FAFSA, financial aid, college readiness, and scholarships. Thank you and hope to see everyone there.
8 days ago, Billy Colson
Update for a financial aid night this fall. EOU will be coming to Prairie City Tuesday December 3 for a FAFSA/financial aid meeting in Mr. Colson's room at 5:00. All senior parents and students are invited. Junior families are also invited if they want to get a heads up on what is coming next year. Information covered will included FAFSA, financial aid, college readiness, and scholarships. Thank you and hope to see everyone there.
11 days ago, Billy Colson
Just a reminder that Prairie City Volleyballs Dig Pink Match verse Harper is tomorrow in the new gym. JV starts at 4:00 with Varsity to follow. There will be baskets to raffle and great decorations and tribute for those who have any connection to breast cancer. The gate money will also be donated to support our local community members fighting cancer. Come and enjoy a fun evening of volleyball with a great community supporting a worthy cause. See everyone tomorrow.
11 days ago, Billy Colson
Kindergarten sorted eggs by size during Farm to School.
11 days ago, Jake Lopez
The first tooth to come out for this first grader.
11 days ago, Jake Lopez
5th grade read about Tall Tales, then they got to create their own.
12 days ago, Jake Lopez
First-grade builders
12 days ago, Jake Lopez
12 days ago, Prairie City