The first grade class raffled off a load of gravel to earn money to buy the Christmas meal for the Senior Citizens at Prairie City. They also donated $150 to the Prairie City American Legion Post 106, the Blue Mtn. Care Center, the Grant County Fairgrounds, and the Greater Prairie City Community Association. Each group came to the school to receive their check. The students learned the importance of giving!

Hey PC Family!
We have solved an issue with our IOS app which is now available on the App Store. If you are an Android User, you can get the same app.
Install today to stay current on what's happening at PC School!

Tomorrow 2nd and 3rd grade girls play one game starting at 9 am. 2nd and 3rd grade boys at 9:45 am and 4th grade at 10:15 Please have players at LEAST 15 minutes early. I would like to get a group picture prior to each game.
Last game next monday for 4th grade at 3:05.
Last game for 2nd and 3rd grade kids next Wednesday at 3:05 girls 3:30 boys. Games on Wednesday will be shorter games by a few minutes due to gym space and the Christmas program. Also NO practice or games next Tuesday as well.
We have had a lot of fun with your kids this year and look forward to having the privilege of coaching them again next year!

Mrs. Hueckman's 5th-grade class participated in an Hour of Code using Scratch in Mr. Lopez's computer lab.

Merry & Bright

State of Oregon Football Awards
2nd Team All-State RB Maison Teel
First Team All-State DE Maison Teel
HM Defensive Back JW Haskins
HM Placekicker Filip Beiganski

High School Boys Junior Varsity players will have shoot around tomorrow December 7 at noon in the new gym before the JV games start at 2:00. Thank you.

Awesome Basketball Action from Wednesday Night.
#PanthersVsGrantUnion #tbmMedia

Today in Kindergarten


Reminder about financial aid night this fall. EOU will be coming to Prairie City Tuesday December 3 for a FAFSA/financial aid meeting in Mr. Colson's room at 5:00. All senior parents and students are invited. Junior families are also invited if they want to get a heads up on what is coming next year. Information covered will included FAFSA, financial aid, college readiness, and scholarships. Thank you and hope to see everyone there.

Radial Printmaking by the 8th grade class

Recently the Advanced Art class made bubbling cauldrons.

Pumpkin Cupcakes by the Home Ec class!

Elementary students enjoying our Thanksgiving Feast today!

Mrs. Howard’s lil’ turkey’s ready for the Thanksgiving Feast!!!

Some kindergarten students at the feast today.

Reminder about financial aid night this fall. EOU will be coming to Prairie City Tuesday December 3 for a FAFSA/financial aid meeting in Mr. Colson's room at 5:00. All senior parents and students are invited. Junior families are also invited if they want to get a heads up on what is coming next year. Information covered will included FAFSA, financial aid, college readiness, and scholarships. Thank you and hope to see everyone there.

Just a reminder, the boys are about to kick at 1pm. Watch here: https://www.osaa.org/media
#semifinals #tbmMedia

Sorry if we get a few to many families but if you have a middle school boys basketball player they will drop off at Flower shop in John Day at 9:35. And arrive in PC soon after. Please be there to pick up your players.
Also the B game is cancelled tomorrow (Long Creek lost some players last minute) and there is only a C game starting at 12. Thanks